This article assumes that you have already created a pending private key in your Key Manager. If you have not created one yet, please check the CSR Generation- JSCAPE MFT Server article.
Concatenate the CAbundle and the certificate file which we sent you using the following command.
> cat domain_com.crt > ssl-bundle.crt
If you are Using GUI Text Editor (Ex: Notepad):
(i) To concatenate the certificate files into single bundle file, first open domainname.crt and files using any text editor.
(ii) Now copy all the content of domainname.crt and paste it on the top of file.
(iii) Now save the file name as ‘ssl-bundle.crt’.
Note: If you have not the received the 'ca-bundle' file in the ZIP that we sent you, you can download it from this article's attachments. (End of this page)
Assigning the Certificate: