Certificate Installation : JSCAPE MFT Server

May 25, 2018 in FTP SFTP file Server

This article assumes that you have already created a pending private key in your Key Manager. If you have not created one yet, please check the CSR Generation- JSCAPE MFT Server article.


Concatenate the CAbundle and the certificate file which we sent you using the following command.

> cat domain_com.crt domain_com.ca-bundle > ssl-bundle.crt

If you are Using GUI Text Editor (Ex: Notepad):

(i) To concatenate the certificate files into single bundle file, first open domainname.crt and domainname.ca-bundle files using any text editor.

(ii) Now copy all the content of domainname.crt and paste it on the top of domainname.ca-bundle file.

(iii) Now save the file name as ‘ssl-bundle.crt’.

Note: If you have not the received the 'ca-bundle' file in the ZIP that we sent you, you can download it from this article's attachments. (End of this page)


  1. Start off by opening Key Manager. You can do this by navigating to File and then selecting the Key Manager file from the main menu.
  2. When the Key Manager dialog appears, click on the Server Keys tab at the top.
  3. Click on and highlight the private key that you created the CSR from in the left list.
  4. Click on the Import Certificates button at the bottom.
  5. In the Import Certificates window, click on the Browse button and navigate to the new file that you created at the end of Part I.
  6. Leave the File Password field blank.
  7. Leave the Certificates alias in file field blank
  8. Click on the OK button.

Assigning the Certificate:

  1. In the JSCAPE MFT Server Manager Settings, select the Web settings from the left-hand list.
  2. Click on the Web tab at the top and drop down the Private key field to match the new certificate that you want to display on your website.
  3. Restart the JSCAPE MFT Server services.